Where once the buffalo's population numbered between 30 and 60 million nationwide they last herd now numbers less than 3,500. Over 1,600 bison were killed during 2006/2007. Once a proud figure of freedom in the west it now is a species fighting for it's survival (very much like the spirit of ourselves really).
There will be an hour show this Saturday on Planet Green at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific) about the effort to save these guys. Definitely one of the most rewarding projects I have ever been apart of.
Who knows you may even see me hiding in the woods avoiding federal agents, getting buzzed by helicopters or running amongst a herd of stampeding buffalo. Though the focus of the piece is really on the characters who have dedicated themselves completely to the project year round.

Buffalo Battle: About the Show
Don't miss this groundbreaking series.
A battle is raging on the great American plains. At the center of this conflict is the last herd of free roaming buffalo in the United States, located in the Yellowstone National Park. When the herd wanders outside of park boundaries following natural grazing instincts, it comes into contact with local cattle ranches and the troubles begin. Accused of infecting local livestock with a devastating disease called brucellosis, the embattled animals have a lone advocate—The Buffalo Field Campaign.
This diverse group of volunteers, led by founder Mike Mease, comes from all walks of life. From a candle maker to a survival skills instructor to a car salesman, they are ordinary people who make up for their lack of wilderness experience with passion and determination. Working day and night, they patrol the Yellowstone border by ski and snowshoe in extreme conditions, coming face to face with danger at every turn, from temperamental buffalo to angry ranchers, and government officials to jail time.
They will risk everything, including their lives, to protect these animals from certain destruction for doing what they are have done for hundreds of years: roaming freely.
Check the Planet Green schedule for local listings.
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