Have been in Utah and Colorado shooting the past week for a really cool new clothing company- Trew . Talk about living the dream these guys have been traveling the west in a 35 foot RV hitting every worthy ski area in north america. Their product is bomber and mission simple... it's about having fun no matter what you're using on the hill- ski, tele or snowboard.
Anyways more updates on the lines we slayed to come (and yes I did say slay). The mountains however were not going to give it up easy. On Mt Baldy in Little Cottenwood, the Wasatch lady wanted some blood herself- and it was mine she was after.
Silly dead punji treebranch to the face- 4 stitches later and all was good. I never had a black eye before and was stoked to score one.
Sometimes a photo isn't really worth anything unless it pains you to make it. Thanks lady Wasatch.
wow painful but still a great photo.